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I realized over the years that things are changing. Schools need an active enrollment plan.

A flyer, banner and hoping kids will enroll-  doesn't work. Yet, that's what I see so many schools do.
Connecting with parents and communities requires a deeper level of communication, a solid strategy and a commitment to creating an enrollment culture for your campus. 

Enrollment . . .
Wow, have things changed. ​


Hi, I'm Steve Dekany.  After spending 14 years in education as an administrator focused on recruitment and enrollment (mostly in the charter world)- I realized that most charter schools need help getting their enrollment numbers UP and stabilized... and, after 10 years with one of the most successful site based charter schools in California, I left to do just that- help schools build an enrollment culture on their campus.  


I've had the privilege of recruiting over 4,000 families / students for schools that are right for them. I learned over the years,  that you must have multiple cylinders firing at the same time to be effective in your enrollment efforts.  I also learned that educators are busy educating... and administrators are busy making sure the wheels don't come off.  So when is there time to recruit?   Or,  IF you do have time... where do you start? 

That's why the Enrollment Professor team is here. Let us design, develop and manage your enrollment efforts to produce measurable results for your school.  Call us to discuss your specific situation. 

We look forward to hearing from you.


Steve D


Enrollment... it doesn't have to be a four letter word! (HARD)


Hi, I’m Steve Nutter. I have spent over 42 years of my life helping people grow their businesses. After many years as a school Dean of Students and Executive Director of Marketing, I found that I could help others by sharing my successes.   I have a Masters of Business Administration degree with a Major in Marketing. I have traveled the world teaching business owners and leading teams in education, major corporations and small businesses.

I spent the last five years recruiting new students to increase enrollment for charter schools in Southern California. The secret to successfully recruiting new students is to have someone who can turn five dollars in advertising into five thousand dollars of results. Imagine giving someone one-dollar, and they give you back a one-hundred-dollar bill. Would you give them another dollar? Of course, you would! Let Enrollment Professor help you to exceed your enrollment needs!

I look forward to working with your team!

All the Best!

Steve N.

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